What does this mean?
To figure this out, one has to firstly look at the past, and once one see’s what they have done, both good and bad, they can work on making things to become better for themselves as time goes by, which is a process of making something to become new again.
In this world, there are many who are constantly saying that they are doing great, when in reality, they are actually not doing very good at all. But to keep themselves from being ridiculed and or embarrassed from the situation that they are currently in, they tend to make up a story to get people to believe that they are o.k., when in reality, they are actually not o.k.
This type of action is called living in a state of denial, which is a type of situation where one tends to lie to themself to make themself to feel better, which is not a very good thing, due to the fact that it can cause more harm than good.
If one truly wants to make themself to become better, they must face the fact that they must work really hard to make that into a reality without quitting. No matter how hard it may be, no matter how you are feeling, and no matter how impossible it may look, you should never give up on your goal to become that best that you can be in your very own way.
People can tell you many different types of things, but until you put an action behind what you want to do, nothing will ever happen.
For those who’s seriously interested in improving themselves, whatever it is that you would like to do, here’s a few suggestions that I feel will help you.
1. Do your best to spend your time with people who will encourage you to become better and better, while complimenting you on all of the good things that you are doing at the same time.
2. Make it your goal to learn something new everyday. Whatever it is, you should never give up on trying your best to learn all that you can without quitting in any way.
3. Be very careful about who it is that you are talking with, because the people that you are talking with can have a huge influence upon you, which will most likely cause you to do things that you most likely don’t want to do.
4. Try your best to only talk with people who’s honest, who’s kind, who’s sincere, who’s decent, who’s courteous, who’s polite, who’s respectful, and who’s empathetic towards others. These are the types of people who will influence you in a very good way, which will cause you to become just as good as they are, or even better.
(As of everyone else, it’s best to distance yourself from people who isn’t like this, due to the fact that they will cause you to lose your focus on whatever it is that you would like to do for yourself.)
5. Make a commitment to yourself to never depend on others for anything at all, because by doing that, it will cause you to become extremely very reliant on others, which will also cause you to lose a lot of confidence in yourself, along with making you to feel like you don’t have what is needed to make yourself to become as good as you would like to be.
I hope this short article will help you to become the best that you can be for yourself and only yourself.
If you would like to have a friendly conversation with me about this topic, feel free to contact me with a brief description about yourself, where it is that you are from, and why it is that you are interested in talking about this subject.
Thank you.